Monday, June 24, 2013


So, the funny thing about Nebraska is I once tried to play here, about seven years ago, and was thwarted. The course, in a state park, had been removed, and we went on or way, into the black hills, without having played Nebraska. Never thought I'd be back by here again.

But here we are again, on our way to the black hills. And you can bet I came prepared with plans a through z, for playing Nebraska. One promising course, Kelley park in MCcook, was on or way, and sounded decent in reviews, so we checked it out.

Three first few holes, up and down a big hill, were not too exciting, but after I jumped from six to fifteen, I found several really beautiful holes. The course mostly kicked my butt, as i couldn't hit a putt to save mtg life, but I had a nice shot on sixteen that was leaning against the pole. That one is in the pics here, along with a few others

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